Math Tutoring
We offer free math tutoring service to selected groups of K-12 students. More information can be found at
We also offer paid math tutoring service for more individualized learning demands, including homework tutoring, M-STEP, PSAT, SAT, ACT test prep, and AP math tutoring. This service is continuously offered throughout the year. Dates and times vary. To request the paid tutoring service, please send the email to with the following information:
(1) email title: tutoring request. (2) Parent or legal guardian name and phone number. (3) Student name and current grade. (4) In what area do you need tutoring, for example elementary school math, middle school math, high school math, AP math, or others. (5) How long and how often do you need tutoring. (6) Any other additional comments that are not included in items (1)-(5).