Elementary Math Contest 2 A
This course is for students in grades 3-5 in general and is particularly focused on training students for the upcoming math contests in the fall, such as MOEMS and Perennial Math. If you are in a lower grade but believe you have advanced math knowledge and skills, you are welcome to join this program too. A placement test may be given to determine eligibility. This course is built in alignment with the curricula of popular math contests such as Math Kangaroo, MOEMS, MATHCOUNTS, and AMC 8. We focus on logic thinking, analytical reasoning, and complex problem solving skills.
This is the fall session of a one-year course Elementary Math Contest 2 that consists of Elementary Math Contest 2 A, Elementary Math Contest 2 B, and Elementary Math Contest 2 Summer. Students can take Elementary Math Contest 2 A without the knowledge in Elementary Math Contest Summer and Elementary Math Contest 2 B.
Prerequisite: Fraction and decimal operations. Area and volume calculations. Strong logic thinking skills.
Schedule: Mondays 6 pm-7 pm ET for ten meetings on 09/27, 10/04, 10/11, 10/18, 10/25, 11/01, 11/08, 11/15, 11/29, and 12/06/2021 (skip 11/22 for Thanksgiving Week).
Small class for maximized individual attention: 5-10 students
ONLINE INSTRUCTION USING ZOOM IN A FACE-TO-FACE LIVE FASHION! Syllabus and coursework will be distributed in the course Curriculum section (course registration is required).
Tuition: $150 ($15 per one-hour class) non-refundable after first class.
Schedule: Mondays 6 pm-7 pm ET for ten meetings on 09/27, 10/04, 10/11, 10/18, 10/25, 11/01, 11/08, 11/15, 11/29, and 12/06/2021 (skip 11/22 for Thanksgiving Week).
Join Zoom Meetinghttps://emich.zoom.us/j/83959333916?pwd=S2xwbHl1bEs5eElEbkVSR2dMUzN4Zz09
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