AOPS Algebra 1 Math Contest Recap

This course is for students in grades 5-8 who have learned algebra 1 at the math contest level. This course provides a comprehensive and in-depth review of critical ideas and concepts presented in Art of Problem Solving (AOPS) Introduction to Algebra. Many practice problems are real problems from math contests, such as MathCounts, MOEMS, and AMC 8. It is ideal for students who have learned AOPS Introduction to Algebra and who intend to strengthen their understanding before taking the next math contest course and competing in high-level math contests.
Schedule: Sundays 3:30 pm-5 pm ET for eight weeks on 06/19, 06/26, 07/10, 07/17, 07/24, 07/31, 08/07, 08/14/2022 (skip 07/03 for Independence Day).
Small class for maximized individual attention: 5-10 students
Textbook: The Art of Problem Solving – Introduction to Algebra (2nd edition), 2019. Author: Richard Rusczyk.
ONLINE INSTRUCTION USING ZOOM IN A FACE-TO-FACE LIVE FASHION! Syllabus and coursework will be distributed in the course Curriculum section (course registration is required).
Tuition: $192 ($24 per 1.5-hour class) non-refundable after first class.
Schedule: Sundays 3:30 pm-5 pm ET for eight weeks on 06/19, 06/26, 07/10, 07/17, 07/24, 07/31, 08/07, 08/14/2022 (skip 07/03 for Independence Day).